Wednesday, April 1, 2009

My movie is used for children to watch and review the alphabet in sign language. They can use it to learn and review. They will also be able to pause it to see exactly what they are suppose to do. I edited my movie by adding title page and an ending page. I also took a couple videos and had to clip them and edit the ones that I wanted to use. I was going to use music in the background but it was too distracting.

Final Movie

Sunday, March 29, 2009



My podcast consists of edited photos. I began by using a class photo of my students and feathered the selection to vignette the image. Next, I cropped and rotated a photo of the letter Y. I also made a couple of collages for circle time and centers. These collages consist of several photos that have been resized and feathered, copy, and pasted. All of the photos had titles put on the page to help describe them. I also made a page of upcoming events.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009